Margaret’s Persuasion Coach Blog

Your Brain on (and off) Pings

Your Brain on (and off) Pings

Sensory overload and distraction not only cut against safe driving, as I wrote last time, but also against any kind of problem solving, including those kinds of problems I train people to solve, those that arise in connection with conflict resolution, negotiation,...

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Bridges to Consensus for Kindle

Bridges to Consensus for Kindle

Just in time for your summer reading, my book Bridges to Consensus—in Congregations is now available in Kindle format. For those of you who have not already checked out this book, and those who haven't looked at it for awhile, I'd like to tell you a little more about...

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Bridges to Character

Bridges to Character

I often compare the skills I teach—whether applied to negotiation, consensus building or persuasion—to means for building bridges, rather than burning them. We can also think of these communication skills as bridges over difficulties or bridges to desired results....

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Bats, Daydreams and Creative Thinking

Bats, Daydreams and Creative Thinking

Daydreams remind me of bats. Or perhaps I should say that society's view of daydreaming reminds me of society's reaction to bats. Bats creep people out. Few find them attractive, and in fact, they are pretty scary looking. People avoid them. People easily believe...

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Persuasive Predictions

Persuasive Predictions

I recently watched my DVDs of the TV miniseries Bleak House, then reread the Dickens novel. One of the minor characters—Inspector Bucket—caught my attention. Bucket demonstrates his ability to catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. More particularly, Bucket...

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Millennial Consensus Builders

Millennial Consensus Builders

The March/April issue of Psychology Today features a fascinating article on millennials, including a chart contrasting the way baby boomers see millennial's traits with the way millennials themselves see those same traits. For example, millennials seek frequent...

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People Say….

[Margaret is a] Very good listener and thinker – very respectful – pleasant.
Anonymous Student Evaluation