Margaret’s Persuasion Coach Blog

Politics, Discuss It or Drop It

Politics, Discuss It or Drop It

As the political campaign season continues, remember that sarcasm, name calling, insults, and making fun of others' candidates or beliefs do not persuade those who disagree with you to change their minds. Rather, these "wrong making" messages only cause them to resist...

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Love on the Rocks Update

Love on the Rocks Update

My latest book is nearing publication!!! I recently uploaded the manuscript of Love on the Rocks with a Twist to the publisher and, with their help and advice, selected my interior design features–layout, fonts and fleurons. Now the ball is in their court. I'm told...

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The Positivity Jar, Re-visited

The Positivity Jar, Re-visited

A belated "Happy New Year" and many thanks to my readers for your patience with my longer than usual midwinter break. You may remember that, early in 2015, I posted a blog article about my experiment with an idea I had read about. Instead of making New Year's...

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Negotiating the Holidays

Negotiating the Holidays

This can be one of the most wonderful, and yet the most stressful, times of year. We love the beautiful decorations and yummy treats, but can get frazzled trying to get everything ready. We reconnect with people we may not see very often, but some of them are people...

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Be a Gift to the World

Be a Gift to the World

The December issue of The Oprah Magazine asked, “If you could give a gift to the world, what would it be?” Teresa Shupe of Mountain City, TN replied, “I would give all people a pardon for the biggest mistake they believe they've ever made.” She felt that, if we could...

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When Not to Persuade Someone

When Not to Persuade Someone

Long ago, a friend of mine was diagnosed with an incurable, wasting disease. People started avoiding her. A neighbor she saw at the grocery averted his eyes and moved on. I doubt that he meant to be hurtful. More likely he didn't know what to say, feared “getting it...

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Baseball and Consensus Building

Baseball and Consensus Building

For several months, I've been watching a lot of sports on TV, and I mean a lot. No one has been more surprised by this development that I have. It started when the Houston Rockets got into the playoffs. When they were finally eliminated, I found myself wanting to...

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People Say….

Margaret does a great job teaching skills that will enhance your professional development—skills I never learned that would have helped me to get al… Read more
Rita IraniRetired Attorney