Margaret’s Persuasion Coach Blog

Free Short Story: “Peaches”

Free Short Story: “Peaches”

Many, many thanks for your patience with my infrequent blog posting lately. I think you’ll approve of the reasons, however. One is that we’re working on a wonderful new web site. I can’t wait to show it off. The other is that I’m on a roll with my third book, Talking...

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Fortunate Flu?

Fortunate Flu?

OK, maybe “fortunate” is too strong a word. I would rather not repeat this experience, thank you very much. But most of you know I believe a positive attitude—not starry-eyed naïveté, but realistically positive attitude—helps us in every kind of human endeavor,...

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Your Opinions Please

Your Opinions Please

When I first crafted a slogan for my consensus-building and communication services, I tried it out on a man I’ll call “Jack,” whom I met at church.  The slogan, which had been clicking with my corporate and professional clients, was, “Get what you want from others,...

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Faith Restored

Faith Restored

Several days ago, I was driving at about 50 mph. All of a sudden, when I pushed on the accelerator, I found I was going slower, not faster, and the car was mighty quiet. The engine wasn’t running!…I have to buy a new fuel pump, to the tune of some $900+. But I wouldn’t undo that break down and aftermath if I could.

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Unbelievably Magical

Unbelievably Magical

My slogan is, “Get more of what you need from others, while building bridges, not burning them.” The most magical aspect of the consensus building system I teach also happens to be the most difficult for people to believe. Building consensus without burning bridges need not mean compromise. It does not mean giving in to the other person in order to keep the peace. You can actually get more of what you want while also building bridges, not burning them. Here’s an example from my book Love on the Rocks with a Twist–Delightful Fiction with Lessons on Dealing with Others.

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Book Excerpt: The Golden Rule Isn’t Always Enough

Book Excerpt: The Golden Rule Isn’t Always Enough

Just as we all agree that we should drive carefully, defensively and alertly, we embrace basic principles of how to deal with one another. Many religious leaders, philosophers and sages have pronounced a Golden Rule of Love—we should treat others as we ourselves would like to be treated. Misunderstandings still arise because not everyone wants to be treated the same way in a given situation.

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Forgiveness and Reconcilliation

Forgiveness and Reconcilliation

I had to share this story from “The Good News Network. It concerns a young American, Amy Biehl, who went to South Africa toward the end of the anti-apartheid movement and joined with black citizens to improve conditions in the townships. Amy was mistaken for a “privileged white settler” and killed by some young men, geared up from a rally they’d just attended. Amy’s parents’ give us a wonderful example of how they helped themselves heal and enriched their own lives, by forgiving others.

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Good News X 3

Good News X 3

As you all may have noticed, I haven’t posted to my blog in awhile. But I haven’t been idle! I’ve been laying the groundwork for some new things I know you’ll like. 1. I’ve got a new book project in the works. 2. I’ll be posting free excerpts from my existing books to this blog. 3. I’ve found a fix for those who’ve recently had problems with new-post-notice emails. Please read more to learn why you’ll love these changes.

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Persuading the Contrary Mind

Persuading the Contrary Mind

I’m an owl, not a lark. I like to stay up late and get up correspondingly late. But recently, I’ve tried to shift to a slightly earlier schedule. Yet, I’ve done just the reverse–stay up even later. Here’s how I applied persuasion skills to my own contrary mind.

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People Say….

The course was very interesting and learning the skill set in the classroom to apply in real life situations is invaluable.  It’s definitely about … Read more
Anonymous Student Evaluation