Margaret’s Persuasion Coach Blog

Instinct by Rebecca Heiss, PhD

Instinct by Rebecca Heiss, PhD

I have a handful of books I wish everyone could read. Recently, I added another book to that list, Instinct: How Our Biology Hijacks Our Happiness [and How to Fix It] by Rebecca Heiss, PhD. Long ago, I began to realize that human biological development has not kept pace with our social and technological developments. Our brains are hardwired to trigger behaviors that helped our species survive in the past, but can work against us these days.

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Keep Your Cool Fitness Training

Keep Your Cool Fitness Training

My new book not only contains a lot of information related to the first half of the title, Women Can Renew the World If…, the whys, the hows, the meaning of the “If,” it also features info on the second half of the title …and So Can You, skills anyone of any gender can learn and use to help women renew the world.

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New Book Published!

New Book Published!

At long last, my “pandemic project” is complete. The new book, Women Can Renew the World If… and So Can You is published and available on Amazon. Read about the book itself, my road to creating it, and what a self-development educator and author has to say about it.

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What You Gain from Listening

What You Gain from Listening

Interesting quote from Alan Alda, “Listening is being able to be changed by the other person.” That quote might seem a little scary at gut level. Why?  In these times of such extreme polarization, we might think that listening could mean we change into what the other person is or believing ideas that we  currently consider abhorrent. Another reason involves our brain wiring, wiring that evolved for survival in prehistoric times but does not always serve us well these days. From my upcoming book, Women Can Renew the World If…and So Can You:

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Axios’ Take on Dealing with Others

Axios’ Take on Dealing with Others

Axios recently launched a new e-newsletter, Finish Line, that focuses on upbeat stories. A recent issue summarizes how Axios trains its employees to deal with one another. You know, I train people to deal with one another in more productive ways, and I found this issue of Finish Line worth sharing and commenting upon.

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The Power of Listening

The Power of Listening

Many of the principles of persuasion and consensus building are counterintuitive, perhaps none more so than the value of listening. When we disagree with someone, our knee-jerk reaction is to go into defense mode, don our mental boxing gloves and prepare our arguments. In fact, however, the most persuasive people listen more than they speak. When they do speak, they ask questions more than they make statements. The key to reaching a meeting of the minds is

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This Lady Had Personality!

This Lady Had Personality!

Understanding personality, or temperament, plays a significant role in the skills I teach. Although scholars have recognized different human temperament types as far back as ancient Greece, it was Isobel Briggs Meyers, with the help of her mother and spouse, who fully fleshed out the concept.

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Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with Difficult People

A recent Facebook post by KUHT called to mind a book I have used with and recommend to a number of individual clients, Working with Difficult People by Amy Cooper Hakim and Muriel Solomon. This is not the kind of book you need to read from cover to cover. Rather…

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People Say….

Working with Margaret helped me understand that conflict does not automatically have to mean confrontation. Now I know how to seek solutions that bene… Read more
Anneliese DavisSenior Non-Profit Executive