Margaret’s Persuasion Coach Blog

Live or Zoom Presentation

Sunday May 21, 10:00-10:50 AM, I will be teaching a class based on my book, Women Can Renew the World IF...and So Can You. Visitors are welcome to attend in person or via Zoom. This will not be straight lecture, but rather, more similar to the way I teach my training...

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Book Talks & Signings

How about some new inspiration for the new year? Do you have a club or organization, or even an informal group of friends or neighbors, that would like me to give a talk based on one of my books? Choose from Women Can Renew the World IF... and So Can You or Love on...

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New Years Wishes

I wish you all the happiest of New Years in 2023 and offer a suggestion that might make your year more satisfying.  Many years ago, a federal judge of my acquaintance told me that, that's right there rather than making New Year's resolutions, she chose a theme for the...

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Speaking Oct. 16

On October 16, I will speak at the Sunday service of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Galveston County, beginning at 10:30 AM., 502 Church St., Galveston, Texas, 77550. My presentation will be based on my latest book, but will not duplicate the talk I gave for...

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The Benefits of Boredom

The Benefits of Boredom

I get most of my news from Axios and Poynter Institute newsletters. Axios' Finish Line is published late so we can end the day on a positive note. A recent Finish Line newsletter, "Why We Should Embrace Boredom," confirms ideas I've also gotten from other sources and...

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Good News Potpourri

Good News Potpourri

We can all use some good news, not only these days, but every day. My offerings in this post include a number of uplifting general news stories as well as some good news of my own.

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Thanks and Another Sneak Peek from My Latest Book

Thanks and Another Sneak Peek from My Latest Book

I appreciate all of you who replied to my last post about an audiobook dilemma. Special thanks to Chris Rogers, the best writer I know and a voracious consumer of both fiction and nonfiction. Even after writing an extensive reply, she took the time to engage in a true conversation. Try this enjoyable exercise in true conversations.

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Audio Book Dilemma

Audio Book Dilemma

A friend asked me to please make an audio version of my latest book. He has “long Covid” in the form of trouble reading text. Also, different people learn best in different ways. An audiobook would make all the difference for those who naturally learn well by listening but not by reading. Women Can Renew the World If…and So Can You, however, is not appropriate for those who like to listen to books while they’re doing something else, such as household chores, or worse, driving. I want your opinions and ideas please.

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Inspiring Quotes

Inspiring Quotes

Here are some quotes that inspire me. I hope they will inspire, hearten or comfort you too. Learn where to put your energy, when to expand or narrow your thinking, and how to believe in yourself.

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People Say….

[Margaret is] kind, caring, patient, and always well-prepared and knowledgeable.
Student evaluation from Rice University's Glasscock School of Continuing Studies