Margaret’s Persuasion Coach Blog

Book Excerpt: What’s the Twist

Book Excerpt: What’s the Twist

My book Love on the Rocks with a Twist – Delightful Fiction with Lessons on Dealing with Others begins with an introductory essay, followed by study notes introducing the most basic of the consensus building skills demonstrated by the characters in the remaining stories. Here is an excerpt from that intro, “What’s the Twist”

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Why Didn’t She…?

Why Didn’t She…?

We all know about fight or flight defenses to situations that threaten serious and imminent danger. They are hardwired, instinctive. But they aren’t the only such defenses. Another is “the immobility tonic,” a rather confusing term. It’s not the kind of tonic that comes in a bottle.

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DADA: Phony Candidate Websites

DADA: Phony Candidate Websites

As many of you know, sometimes I post articles in a category I call “Defense Against the Dark Arts of Persuasion” or “DADA.” These posts describe sales ploys or tactics used to influence large numbers of people. This article deals with phony political candidate websites…A New York Times article reports…

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Mindful Health & Dealing with Others

Mindful Health & Dealing with Others

Believe it or not, a mindful approach to health strengthens the very mindset used to practice the persuasion, consensus and communication skills I teach. In a fascinating book, Counterclockwise—Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility, author Ellen J. Lange, PhD recognizes the value of conventional medical advice, but…also advocates putting one’s own ideas into the mix, not just blindly following “orders.”

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People Say….

It has been said that one of the best ways to teach is through story. In Love on the Rocks with a Twist, Margaret Anderson teaches the fine art of con… Read more
Amazon Review of Love on the Rocks with a Twist