Margaret’s Persuasion Coach Blog

Preparing for Consensus

Preparing for Consensus

Clients and students sometimes ask me how they can motivate themselves to invest in time to prepare for a consensus-seeking conversation. In my experience, actually doing the preparation a few times produces such memorable results that we no longer have to work at...

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Sniffing Out a Good Decision

Sniffing Out a Good Decision

Chapter 9 of Bridges to Consensus gives many reasons to take a think break before responding to a difficult statement or committing to an agreement. An article in the August 2011 issue of Psychology Today inspired me to reflect on another reason: our inclinations can...

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Consensus Resolutions You’ll Want to Keep

Consensus Resolutions You’ll Want to Keep

Looking for a doable New Year's resolution? Would you like one that yields immediate payoffs so it keeps you motivated? Here's a plan for you. At the beginning of each month in 2012, I'll suggest a simple way to practice just one consensus-building or communication...

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Holiday Wishes

Holiday Wishes

To all my blog readers:   If you’re frazzled, may you relax with a hot cup of something warm and mellow.   If your relatives annoy you, may you retreat to a hot, sudsy, aromatherapy bath.   If you miss friends or relatives, may your heart be brightened...

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Communicating Hard Facts

Communicating Hard Facts

What do you do when someone's ignorance or denial of things they'd rather not believe hampers your efforts to reach consensus with them? In “Reality Lite,” Psychology Today, Nov.-Dec. 2011, Dr. Raj Raghunathan explains that an upbeat mood makes a person more open to...

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Do the Communication Tango

Do the Communication Tango

A few weeks ago, I had an enjoyable opportunity to observe some pros in the area of clear verbal communication when I listened to a football game via live streaming radio on my computer. I noticed the differences between the way TV and radio broadcasters call a game,...

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Talking Turkey

Talking Turkey

I recently watched an episode of Nature I had recorded from PBS, “My Life as a Turkey.” Not a life I could lead, but an amazing example of how one man met a huge communication challenge. This story can teach us a lot about dealing with our fellow humans.   The...

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A Communication Safety Moment

A Communication Safety Moment

When an election worker tried to bite off a voter’s nose last week, the news spread like wildfire. Most readers, no doubt, saw a man out of control. I saw something else as well, extreme resistance to wrong making.   Those of you who have read Bridges to...

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People Say….

It has been said that one of the best ways to teach is through story. In Love on the Rocks with a Twist, Margaret Anderson teaches the fine art of con… Read more
Amazon Review of Love on the Rocks with a Twist