Margaret’s Persuasion Coach Blog

Consensus Success in a Volunteer Group

Consensus Success in a Volunteer Group

I love hearing my clients’ and readers’ success stories, especially when they involve new contexts for application of their consensus, persuasion and communication skills. This week, Gracie of Austin, Texas wrote to me, “While reading Bridges to Consensus, I...

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Win-Win Waiters

Win-Win Waiters

I love finding new examples of the interested-oriented approach to dealing with others, examples that show how we can get more of what we need or want from others when we address their interests along with our own. A day or so ago, I read an article about new trends...

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Wire Your Brain for Consensus

Wire Your Brain for Consensus

Back in hunter-gatherer days, our brains evolved what scientists call a “negativity bias.” We are wired to be on the lookout for threats. This wiring can work against us when we are seeking consensus. The good news is that we can change this wiring to serve us better...

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Assessing Your Communications

Assessing Your Communications

You have an important conversation at work, and that evening, you think of the “perfect” thing you could have said, but didn't. We've all experienced those “Why didn't I say this” and “Why did I say that” moments many times. Those of us with perfectionistic...

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People Say….

[Margaret is] Competent, organized, well prepared, practical, engaging, informative, answers questions, adapted to class based upon context.
Anonymous Student Evaluation