Good News about News—Harvey

Good News about News—Harvey

I am so proud of our Houston Public Media, PBS station Channel 8 (which was the first public TV channel in the country!) and News FM 88.7 (NPR). They provided, and continue to provide, unique services in connection with Harvey and it’s aftermath. From a Houston Public...
Things to Know, Do and Not Do about Harvey

Things to Know, Do and Not Do about Harvey

As many of you know, I live in Houston. I am aware that people outside our local TV viewing area are not getting the whole picture about the situation here. Also, probably with the best of intentions, some people are saying and doing things they think helpful, but...
Break from News for a True Persuasion Story

Break from News for a True Persuasion Story

I manage my exposure to news, aiming to strike a balance between staying sufficiently informed while also staying sane. I’m ready for a break from blogging about the news, and I bet you readers are ready for a break, too. So let me tell you a true story about how I...
A Wide-Angle View from Charlottesville

A Wide-Angle View from Charlottesville

We’ve been talking about ethics and professional standards in journalism because of its power to influence. We focused first on news reporting, and next, on news commentary (or opinion journalism). On Aug. 17, I woke thinking about another news-related aspect of what...
Diagnosing News Commentary

Diagnosing News Commentary

In my last post, I wrote about distinguishing between two kinds of journalism: (1) news reporting and (2) news commentary/analysis. Then, focusing on reporting, we looked at red flags. News reports should seek to inform, not to influence. By contrast, the very purpose...