Me Too: Questions and Analogies

Me Too: Questions and Analogies

The Me Too movement raises emotions, questions and speculative answers. How could so many famous men have sexually harassed or abused women? Some of those men have made large, positive contributions to our society. Others, if not angels, at least seemed normal,...
Want or Need? The Answer’s in the Interests

Want or Need? The Answer’s in the Interests

In a Facebook group I administer, I raised a discussion question, “What does love mean to you?” Among many great, thought-provoking comments, one member quoted something she’d heard, “Love is giving what someone else needs, not what they want.” Another member followed...
Hope in a New Year

Hope in a New Year

Many thanks for your patience during my extra-long holiday break. I hope you enjoyed your holidays, and wish you all the best in 2018. It may seem that most news is bad news lately. But bad news gets more airtime than good news. I see many reasons for hope in the long...
A Gift of Poetry for You

A Gift of Poetry for You

The bulk of my book Love on the Rocks with a Twist features short stories, each followed by study notes on the characters’ interactional skills–what they did well and how they could have done better. There are two exceptions. The introductory essay, “What’s the...
Reflections on Gratitude

Reflections on Gratitude

At this heart-warming time of year, I offer a selection of quotations on gratitude and Thanksgiving: “There shall be/ Eternal summer in the grateful heart.” Celia Thaxter, “A grateful heart,” Poems, 1872 “Gratitude is the heart’s...