Margaret’s Persuasion Coach Blog

Do You Believe in Mistakes?

Do You Believe in Mistakes?

As you all know, my training programs, consulting and writing reach beyond basic communication, offering higher level skills. Sometimes, however, I wonder whether I ought to occasionally ramp things down a bit, gently remind folks of basic civility, good manners,...

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Clear as Mud

Clear as Mud

Saturday night, I posted the following on Facebook: “A group of about 10 former classmates got together in Galveston this evening. I drove into a terrible storm and had to pull off the tollway because I just couldn't see well enough. It was like a tropical storm. Got...

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Interview on Love on the Rocks with a Twist

Interview on Love on the Rocks with a Twist

I was recently honored to be interviewed by best-selling author and writing instructor Chris Rogers about my newly published book Love on the Rocks with a Twist: Delightful Fiction with Lessons on Dealing with Others. Chris has published more novels and anthologies...

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Kindle Update

Kindle Update

I am delighted to announce that Love on the Rocks with a Twist: Delightful Fiction with Lessons on Dealing with Others is now available in Kindle format, as well as the original print version. Happy reading!

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Back to the Drawing Board

Back to the Drawing Board

George Bernard Shaw wrote, "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." This applies to many different types of progress. Suppose a mystery writer gets stuck on a particular scene. She tweaks the scene and...

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Published! Love on the Rocks with a Twist

Published! Love on the Rocks with a Twist

I am very happy to announce that my latest book, Love on the Rocks with a Twist: Delightful Fiction with Lessons on Dealing with Others, is now available on Amazon. I hope you’ll take a moment to have a look at it here. All told, I spent at least a year of full-time...

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I Wrote What?!?!

I Wrote What?!?!

You all know how I emphasize communicating in person, rather than in writing, about important matters. Yet, there is a time for writing. If not, I wouldn’t be writing this blog article. Among the beauties of personal conversation are facial expression, tone of voice...

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Help Plan My Book Launch

Help Plan My Book Launch

I am planning two launch events for my book Love on the Rocks with a Twist–Delightful Fiction with Lessons on Dealing with Others. One event will be live here in Houston. I’ll talk a little about the book and take questions from the audience. I will also have books on...

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Enjoy versus Save?

Enjoy versus Save?

I recently read an intriguing quote by American author E.B White, “I wake up in the morning torn between the desire to save the world and to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.” Though I’m not grandiose enough to think that I can save the world all by...

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People Say….

[Margaret is] kind, caring, patient, and always well-prepared and knowledgeable.
Student evaluation from Rice University's Glasscock School of Continuing Studies