You all know how I emphasize communicating in person, rather than in writing, about important matters. Yet, there is a time for writing. If not, I wouldn’t be writing this blog article.

Among the beauties of personal conversation are facial expression, tone of voice and body language, which help us interpret another person’s words and make our own intentions clearer.

But, unlike the written word, face-to-face conversation lacks a different beauty, the opportunity to proofread our words before we deliver then to others.

I’ve learned that if, in addition to proofreading on screen, I print out what I’ve written and go over it again, I always make corrections and improvements.

Case in point 1: Just this week, I drafted answers to some interview questions about my soon-to-be-published book, Love on the Rocks with a Twist. I thought my answers looked just fine on screen. But when I read them in print, I not only made changes, I asked the interviewer to omit one question altogether. Not only could the answer I had drafted leave a wrong impression, but in attempting to redraft it, I realized there was no way to answer that question in writing without leaving one wrong impression or another.

Case in point 2: A few days ago, I came across this picture on Facebook10984221_911101798987890_5933302961871170891_n

I trust this speaks for itself.

All this having been said, don’t be too hard on yourselves. Yesterday I was speaking with one of the best writers I know, And we agreed that, no matter how many times we read and reread a book or story we’ve written, we spot one more typo after publication.

What unfortunate booboos have you spotted in your own written words or those of others?