I am very happy to announce that my latest book, Love on the Rocks with a Twist: Delightful Fiction with Lessons on Dealing with Others, is now available on Amazon. I hope you’ll take a moment to have a look at it here.

All told, I spent at least a year of full-time work, on spec, writing the book and getting it published. Now is the time I turn my attention to promoting it.

You, my blog readers, have encouraged me so much along the way with your enthusiastic reactions to the reports on the book’s progress I occasionally posted to my blog. I know you share my excitement and happiness at this time. This emboldens me to mention a few ways you can help make Love on the Rocks with a Twist a success.

If you read the book and like it, please spread the word in whatever ways you like. Among the most helpful are reviews posted on Amazon. But simple word-of-mouth comments to your acquaintances are just fine as well.

When I published my first book, Bridges to Consensus, some people purchased copies for their reception rooms, and that would be another great way to help get out the word about Love on the Rocks with a Twist.

One of my acquaintances kindly offered to host a small gathering in her home for me to speak about the book in a relaxed and casual setting, with plenty of time for her guests to ask questions and browse the book.

If any of you would like to host for such a gathering, I promise I will not put any sales pressure on your guests. I will have books available for those who ask for them and want them autographed. Anyone who has already bought either of my books can also bring them along to the party so that I can inscribe it.

One final answer to a question I know some of you have: Love on the Rocks with a Twist is currently available in trade paperback form. A Kindle version should be available in about two weeks, and I will post again at that time.

Meanwhile, thanks again for all your encouragement on this project.