Margaret’s Persuasion Coach Blog

Tips from My Trainees

Tips from My Trainees

I love it when my trainees not only learn, but also contribute to others’ learning. In a recent training course, several participants made great suggestions for clarifying email…You’ll be amazed at how much better you like your written communications and how much better others understand them.

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Politics and The Law of Attraction, Part II

Politics and The Law of Attraction, Part II

So if you want to see some science behind the Law of Attraction, there you have it. Scientifically designed studies at Harvard, plus a wealth of practical experience by people like me, my clients and trainees, show that gratuitous wrong making (negative focus) knocks the legs out from under any efforts to change people’s minds—about politics or anything else.

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Politics and the Law of Attraction, Part I

Politics and the Law of Attraction, Part I

I wondered how to keep my financial consultant reading this article beyond the words “The Secret”…”Happily, I found that a Unitarian Universalist minister, Rev. Fred Small, had already done it for me…He writes, “I don’t want to deny or flee the negative, but I need not build my house on its sinkhole.”

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Mother’s Influence

Mother’s Influence

The most important thing my mother (and my father, too) taught me was to think about how my actions might affect others…an essential element of my moral compass, my concepts of right and wrong…Acquiring this habit when I was young made it easier for me later to understand and successfully practice the consensus building skills I now teach, write and consult about.

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A Few Good Quotes

A Few Good Quotes

here are some quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson, along with questions to think about… “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.”

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Right & Left (Brains) Meet Again

Right & Left (Brains) Meet Again

From the logical left brain perspective, a wealth of study and experience show that wrong making is counterproductive. People who feel made wrong resist your message by denial, rationalization and projection…from The Book of Joy’s mystic perspective, producing fear or anger in any member of our interconnected web will ultimately increase unhappiness for all. Again, we see that it’s best to avoid wrong making as much as we can.

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Season and Reason for Hope

Season and Reason for Hope

In the northern hemisphere, April naturally evokes feelings of hope. Snow has melted, and for the most part, stopped falling. Flowers bloom. Birds sing. April is a gentle month, rarely either very cold or very hot. No wonder so many northern cultures developed upbeat holidays for this time of year.

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Right (Brain) Meets Left in Expanding the Pie

Right (Brain) Meets Left in Expanding the Pie

I love it when experts approaching a topic from different perspectives converge on the same conclusion. The Book of Joy[1] describes the Buddhist practice of mudita, or sympathetic joy…And here, it comes to the same conclusion as left-brained research, such as that from the Harvard Negotiation Project: most things in life don’t have to be a zero-sum game.

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Give, and Receive, Support that Really Works

Give, and Receive, Support that Really Works

A few days ago, I came across this quote from Harmony by Karate by Sensei John, ” “Support others in the way they want to be supported.” I posted it in a Facebook group I administer, arousing curiosity about what it meant. So I promised to blog about it this week. Here are some excerpts from Chapter 3 of my book Bridges to Consensus.

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My Next Book

My Next Book

Good news! I’ve made enough progress planning my next book to give you all a little preview…I tested the waters with my “Bridges Across Politics” series of blog articles. The analytics…convinced me to write my next book on how to communicate about politics.

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People Say….

Although the book [Bridges to Consensus] is written with clergy in mind, I was instantly engrossed in the material and could see my way to using her s… Read more
Amazon Review of Bridges to Consensus