Right & Left (Brains) Meet Again

Right & Left (Brains) Meet Again

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how a right-brained source, The Book of Joy[1], led to the same conclusion as the left-brained Harvard Negotiation Project sources. Both show us the possibility of the true win-win, in which no one has to compromise. These...
Season and Reason for Hope

Season and Reason for Hope

In the northern hemisphere, April naturally evokes feelings of hope. Snow has melted, and for the most part, stopped falling. Flowers bloom. Birds sing. April is a gentle month, rarely either very cold or very hot. No wonder so many northern cultures developed upbeat...
Right (Brain) Meets Left in Expanding the Pie

Right (Brain) Meets Left in Expanding the Pie

I love it when experts approaching a topic from different perspectives converge on the same conclusion. The Book of Joy[1] describes the Buddhist practice of mudita, or sympathetic joy. Unlike schadenfreude, a feeling of satisfaction or pleasure in another’s...
Give, and Receive, Support that Really Works

Give, and Receive, Support that Really Works

A few days ago, I came across this quote from Harmony by Karate by Sensei John, ” “Support others in the way they want to be supported.” I posted it in a Facebook group I administer, arousing curiosity about what it meant. So I promised to blog about it...
My Next Book

My Next Book

Good news! I’ve made enough progress planning my next book to give you all a little preview. As soon as people began to communicate about the results of the 2016 presidential election, I realized three things: First, this election ushered in one of the most serious...