Springing Into Fall

Springing Into Fall

Fall weather energizes us to do what we’ve been putting off. Our first cool fronts of the Fall blew through last week. In October on the Gulf Coast, “cool” can mean daily highs in the low 80s or upper 70s (as opposed to 90s). But the second front...
Faith Restored

Faith Restored

Several days ago, I was driving at about 50 mph. All of a sudden, when I pushed on the accelerator, I found I was going slower, not faster, and the car was mighty quiet. The engine wasn’t running!  Fortunately, I was near an exit and managed to coast onto the...
Unbelievably Magical

Unbelievably Magical

As you all know, my slogan is, “Get more of what you need from others, while building bridges, not burning them.” The most magical aspect of the consensus building system I teach also happens to be the most difficult for people to believe. Building...
Book Excerpt: The Golden Rule Isn’t Always Enough

Book Excerpt: The Golden Rule Isn’t Always Enough

As promised, here’s an excerpt from Chapter 2 of Bridges to Consensus, Chapter, pp. 14-15: Just as we all agree that we should drive carefully, defensively and alertly, we embrace basic principles of how to deal with one another. Many religious leaders, philosophers...