Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with Difficult People

Today our local public television station (KUHT, the first public TV station in the country) posted on Facebook a short video about dealing with a “bad boss.” It called to mind a book I have used with and recommend to a number of individual...
Charlie and the Silver Rule of Consensus, Part I

Charlie and the Silver Rule of Consensus, Part I

Pretty much every religion had some leader or sage who pronounced a Golden Rule—we should treat others as we ourselves would like to be treated. In Leviticus, Judaism teaches, “[L]ove your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus is described as honoring this teaching and...
New Years Wishes for You

New Years Wishes for You

I found it difficult to come up with a topic for my 2021 New Year’s post. Sometimes it seems like we are living in a different world, one we never would have imagined. Sometimes it seems like the world changes faster than we can keep up with it. Focus on the...
Thanksgiving Tidbits

Thanksgiving Tidbits

Where is the thanks in thanksgiving for you? Many people offer thanks for the good things in their lives to some higher power. Many pay it forward by making donations of money or time to charities that help people who do not enjoy our advantages. I certainly try to do...