Margaret’s Persuasion Coach Blog

Preview of My New Book

Preview of My New Book

Good news--I've been making great headway on my new book and am very close to having a complete draft to send out for critique and editing. The book deals with productive discussions of sensitive issues such as sexual harassment, implicit bias, COVID19 vaccines, or...

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Take and Give Time to Think

Take and Give Time to Think

Last week, I delivered my presentation on “Communication Tips for Project Managers” for the San Diego chapter of PMI. It was the most fun I’ve ever had giving any such presentation. Read a few quick tips I gave them and how they relate to a delicious meal.

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You’re Invited!

You’re Invited!

Guests are welcome to attend my virtual presentation on Communication Tips for the San Diego chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI). Thursday, June 3, 9:30 AM Central time. I will be speaking about how to counteract Zoom fatigue in virtual meetings, as well...

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Zoom Relief & Russian Anti-Vax Hoaxes

Zoom Relief & Russian Anti-Vax Hoaxes

1. I’ve written before about Zoom fatigue, but only recently, came upon some reasons for the phenomenon. These inspired me to brainstorm ideas for relief… 2. How does it benefit a person who disagrees with me to take the position they do?… Who gains by discouraging Americans from getting COVID-19 vaccinations? What do they gain?

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Cold & Warm

Cold & Warm

You all know what extraordinary cold we’ve had. Some know that, here on the Gulf coast, with a semi-tropical climate, our suppliers of electricity, water, internet and TV have been overwhelmed. But there’s also warm news.

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People Say….

Margaret Anderson was instrumental in helping me hone my skills so that I could sort out, get clear, select, and land a “practically perfect” new busi… Read more
Kay HieronymusCertified financial planner