See You Soon

See You Soon

Dear readers, I have been wanting to reach out and post something of comfort or a way forward at a time when many of us are experiencing grief in the wake of the recent election. Unfortunately, my own grief includes muddle-headed symptoms. I sometimes find myself...
Service, Support and Giving Lead to Joy

Service, Support and Giving Lead to Joy

I’ve been reading The Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Douglas Abrams. Abrams interviews the two religious leaders about how they remain so joyful, given the hardships they’ve endured. The Dalia Lama was forced into exile and may never see...
Mischievous Theories

Mischievous Theories

We’ve been talking about how words that have one common meaning and another scientific meaning can cause misunderstandings. Read about the terms “acute” and “major depression” in “Use the Right Dictionary.” But my vote for the most mischievous...
Use the Right Dictionary

Use the Right Dictionary

People often describe good communication as “getting on the same page,” but sometimes we aren’t even using the same dictionary. Many terms have one meaning in the common vernacular, but a very different scientific or medical meaning. This leads to miscommunicating and...
Seeing (Communication Skill) Is Believing

Seeing (Communication Skill) Is Believing

Scientists tell us that solid planets form when tiny particles attract each other by means of their own gravity and stick together in a process known as accretion. I believed it, but it was difficult for me to imagine it happening. A few days ago, I washed a dark blue...