On this Thanksgiving Day, I’m especially thankful for you—my blog readers. Thank you for your interest in consensus building and communication; your interest fuels my fire for this profession. Thanks also for commenting on various articles and sharing them with others. My readership is growing, thanks to you.

I am thankful for having found a way to interface my area of expertise with a Facebook group dedicated to fostering civility in political discourse.

I am thankful for an online magazine I subscribe to, The Good News Network. While there are free e-zines that publish only good news, I find this one head and shoulders above and well worth the modest subscription cost. It has become part of my spiritual practice to begin each day by reading this e-zine. I find that starting with those positive notes energizes me and improves all the work I do for the rest of the day.

Perhaps that’s because reading good news makes me feel grateful, which is a wonderful emotional and spiritual practice in itself. I am grateful for gratitude, for having discovered its benefits, and for every opportunity I find to share them with others.

May your Thanksgiving Day, and every day, be filled with peace, love, joy—and gratitude.