
Check out our new Distance Training for individuals

Considering everything going on in our communities and our nation we have expanded our offering to include Distance Training. Please scroll down to read more or click on the Learn More button below and send us a message. We will  happily respond to you and discuss our new training programs.

Live training—for one individual or groups up to thirty—is the best way to assimilate persuasion, consensus-building and related communication skills. Our programs are true workshops with interactive exercises that move participants beyond mere knowledge to hands-on skill.

It’s like learning to drive. You don’t want to start practicing on a busy freeway. You start in a safe place, like an empty parking lot or on a quiet street.

Workshops provide safe environments to practice and experiment in hypothetical situations. Then, trainees feel confident using the skills in their own real lives.

Each program is customized to suit the client’s needs and concerns. For a free needs assessment, please contact us at

New: Distance Learning for Individuals

Face-to-face interactions are essential to assimilating interpersonal communication skills. But mask-to-mask communication represents a huge step backwards. Nowadays, teleconferencing is the best option. You can take one of our new virtual training courses in the safety and comfort of your own home or office.

And distance-learning has many other advantages. You no longer have to live close enough to meet with Margaret in Houston. She can train anyone anywhere in the world. You won’t need to share lesson time with a whole classroom full of people. You receive Margaret’s undivided, personalized attention for about the same price you would have paid to attend one of her former classes at Rice University’s Glasscock School of Continue Education.

Each course will utilize interactive documents for exercises in preparing for a consensus-seeking conversation. Next, Margaret will personally partner you in practice conversations, then, offer extensive individual feedback and suggestions.

Course offerings include:

  • Persuasion Primer
  • Consensus Building 201
  • Navigating Communication Disconnects You Never Knew You Had

Contact Margaret now to discuss your personal training program.

People Say….

Working with Margaret helped me understand that conflict does not automatically have to mean confrontation. Now I know how to seek solutions that bene… Read more
Anneliese DavisSenior Non-Profit Executive