by Margaret Anderson | Feb 9, 2018 | Books
I believe Bridges to Consensus applies to every facet of our lives… It doesn’t knock you over like a fire hose. It enters your spirit quietly and gently.
by Margaret Anderson | Jun 22, 2017 | Training
As a ghostwriter, I negotiate contracts often, and for “invisible” goods. …Margaret has taught me how to appeal to a prospect’s often hidden needs and desires, and to create a possibility where none existed. Once the deal is struck, and the book is underway,...
by Margaret Anderson | Jun 22, 2017 | Training
Margaret Anderson’s presentation takes the wisdom of Ben Franklin’s stated virtue: “Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself” into the realm of feelings, thoughts, and deeds.
by Margaret Anderson | May 31, 2017 | Books
It [Bridges to Consensus] lends itself specifically to church issues, while making itself significantly useful for understanding communications in any organizational system. It is easy to see how it can address the needs of an advanced communications class in any...
by Margaret Anderson | May 31, 2017 | Uncategorized
It has been said that one of the best ways to teach is through story. In Love on the Rocks with a Twist, Margaret Anderson teaches the fine art of consensus building in whole new way…She starts with [a] story or a poem then analyzes it in the light of consensus...