Clearing the Path to Happiness

Clearing the Path to Happiness

We attract what we focus on—good or bad.[1] But it’s hard to focus on what we want when the media and internet flood us with what we don’t want, as in negative campaign ads and posts. Yoda got it right, “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to...
The Flip Side of Thought Power

The Flip Side of Thought Power

My last post in this Happiness series showed how we can direct our thoughts to attract things that make us happy. Feeling happy, in turn, enables the power of thought. We can create an upward feedback spiral. But as quoted in The Secret, John Assaraf says, “You…...
Happiness and the Power of Thought

Happiness and the Power of Thought

For millennia, wise people have recognized the power of thought. In 1889, Prentice Mulford published a book entitled Thoughts Are Things that is still studied and quoted today. In 2006, Rhonda Byrne compiled quotations (and a few misquotes) supporting the idea that,...
Simple Steps to Happiness

Simple Steps to Happiness

You can increase your happiness in ways that are both easy and enjoyable. First, laugh daily. You not only enjoy laughter in the moment, but the mood begins to last longer, leading to an optimistic outlook.[1] Laughter has also been shown to improve one’s health....
Why Is Happiness Like an Oxygen Mask?

Why Is Happiness Like an Oxygen Mask?

Welcome to the first in a series of short posts on happiness. Happiness expert Sonja Lyubomirsky tells us, “[H]appiness is…about engagement and meaning and progressing toward your goals… People who are happy accrue a lot of positive outcomes. They’re healthier, more...