At last, my wonderful new website is live at my old, familiar url, All the info on persuasion, consensus building and communication skills you’re used to, plus new features and updates. I encourage you to get your first view on a computer if you have one. The site looks different on a phone or tablet screen–though all the info is still there.

As before, my blog is included within the site. So if you’re reading this blog post, you are on the site. You can use the menu buttons in the purple and white headers above to navigate to other pages of the site.

I suggest you start at “Home”. For your convenience, we’ve got more on the Home page now, so be sure to scroll all the way down. Then, please visit other pages such as “Live Training,” “Consulting,” and “Margaret’s Books.”

All previous blog posts have been migrated to the new site, so you can still go back to reread favorites or catch up on any you might have missed. Take advantage of the site’s own internal search function (upper right) to help you find them, or to find additional posts on similar subjects.

We’ve established different categories of posts so you can narrow down your search. The “News” menu button will take you to announcements, like this very announcement of the new site, and to recent, current and upcoming events, such as my classes and speaking engagements. The “Blog” menu button takes you to posts featuring true stories about persuasion success, tips, excerpts from my books, and more.

One of the great things about online publishing is that it’s easy to make changes and improvements. So, by all means, send me your feedback.

And please share my new site with your friends.