Here is a link to an audio recording of the talk/sermon “Mid-Course Corrections” that I gave last Sunday for the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Galveston County. They had asked me to speak about change.

I talked about how, just when you think you’ve found your direction, your focus, life can spin you around in a different direction. I shared some of my own turning point stories, showing how, when you make a mid-course correction, you give up something, but you also gain something.

Only a few days later, as I listened to President Obama’s farewell speech, I felt particularly validated by his words: “If you’re tired of arguing with strangers on the Internet, try talking with one of them in real life,” because those words fit right in with my most recent mid-course correction as described toward the end of the talk.

I hope you all will find this as heartening as the Galveston congregation apparently did. And if anyone would like a print version, just let me know.