By now, you all know the importance of a positive outlook when seeking consensus with another person or just communicating on a potentially touchy subject. A positive attitude about life in general spills over into our expectations as we enter an important conversation. With a positive outlook, we are more likely to notice potential paths to consensus. Plus, others tend to live up, or down, to our expectations.

I recently read a wonderful suggestion for an alternative to New Year’s resolutions. I intend to repurpose this idea, not so much to substitute for New Year’s resolutions, but to boost my positivity. Here it is, in three easy steps:

  1. Find a clean container. A large jar or small to medium-size box will do. I’m using a large canister style jar that Texmati Rice comes in.
  2. Throughout the year, whenever something really nice happens, jot it down on a little piece of paper, fold the paper, and put it into your container.
  3. On New Year’s Eve 2015, remove all the slips of paper and read them, reminding yourself of all the good things that happened throughout the year.

Not only will you enter 2016 with a super positive attitude, but the very act of writing down good things and putting them in the container will reinforce them in your mind and boost your positivity throughout the year.

I suggest that you make a New Year’s resolution to keep such a positivity jar or box. It’s not too late. Are you on board? If so, I’d love to see your brief comment, “I’m in,” at the bottom of this blog article.

All best wishes for your health, happiness, and consensus building success in 2015.